The Ambient Service: ‘When Facts Don’t Matter’.
Made on and off over the last 4 years, in response to Trumps presidency, and the international drift to the right in general, with titles drawn from newspapers such as The New York Times and Washington Post. ‘When We’ll Know Who Won’, ‘What We Know and What We Don’t Know’, and ‘Traps, Smokescreens and Suicide Bombers’ hint at the media’s neccessity to fact check and monitor the very basis of democracy. These voiceless songs are slow, murky, but with a growling rise of noise and grit which suggest the struggle to navigate a path through such divided times.
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The Ambient Service
The first track from The Ambient Service, the new project of Paul McAree (To Blacken the Pages). Free on Soundcloud and Bandcamp, and soon iTunes, Spotify etc. An album forthcoming 2020.